Faith. Unity. Music.
These Defining Characteristics Guide Our Mission To Bless The D.C. Area.
Founded in 1980, the choir is composed of singers and musicians selected by audition with a current membership of 80 from approximately 50 congregations in the Maryland and Virginia regions of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Our repertoire includes a wide variety of secular and sacred music including major choral works of noted composers, show tunes, Americana and patriotic compositions, and sacred hymns.
Past Performances
Annapolis (MD) State House
Baltimore (MD) Civic Center
Charles County Community College
Christ Church, Philadelphia, PA
Constitution Hall
Fort McHenry National Historic Site
Georgetown University Gaston Hall
German Embassy
Hill Cumorah Pageant, Palmyra, NY
Kennedy Center
McLean Hilton
National Building Great Hall
National Press Club
Navy Memorial
Reston Town Center
Scottish Rite Temple
Sylvan Theatre
University of Pennsylvania Irvine Auditorium
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Washington Cathedral
Washington Hebrew Congregation
Washington Monument grounds
White House
Major Choral Works Performed
Beethoven’s “Ninth Symphony”
Brahms’ “Requiem”
Faure’s “Requiem”
Handel’s “Messiah”
Hanson’s “Song of Democracy”
Mendelssohn’s “Hymn of Praise”
Rutter’s “Magnificat”
Rutter’s “Requiem”
Thompson’s “Testament of Freedom”
Vivaldi’s “Gloria”
Russell Wilson’s “Prelude To Glory”
“Come, Christians Join to Sing”
“Let Freedom Sing”
“Now Sing We Joyfully”
“Sing We the Birth”
“Treasures and Memories”
“Sing We Noel”
“It Is Well With My Soul”-2010